An award-winning creative director and savvy business leader, Pum has dreamed up and developed numerous and creative high-profile campaigns worldwide.
At Principle, she leads a multi-disciplinary team with an emphasis on developing verbal and visual brand identities, systems, and experiences for clients such as the Houston Zoo.
As a founding partner and creative director at Hyperakt, a purpose-driven design studio, he has nearly two decades designing brands and digital experiences.
Creative direction and marketing experience guide the strategy and development of brand campaigns, product packaging, custom publications and visual identities.
Niche Addons Place is easily one of the best event venues in the world, as evidenced by our return business for three years running. The space itself is clean, contemporary, and flexible.
The event at Niche addons Place went really well thanks – the venue was amazing and the staff were so helpful! Really, we are really pleased with them.
Staff attitude was across the board fantastic. In particular everyone seemed to have personal pride about their job and care about doing it well, from AV to catering.
Everybody was delighted with the event and there has been a lot of praise for the venue. The service was excellent both before, during and after the event.
Niche Addons Place is easily one of the best event venues in the world, as evidenced by our return business for three years running. The space itself is clean, contemporary, and flexible.
The event at Niche addons Place went really well thanks – the venue was amazing and the staff were so helpful! Really, we are really pleased with them.
Staff attitude was across the board fantastic. In particular everyone seemed to have personal pride about their job and care about doing it well, from AV to catering.
Everybody was delighted with the event and there has been a lot of praise for the venue. The service was excellent both before, during and after the event.
„Autonome Logistik im ländlichen Raum“
c/o evermind GmbH
Essener Straße 100
04357 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 341 253966-0
Dr. Philipp Guttenberg
Telefon: +49 341 253966-58
Durch meine Ausführung möchte ich die Teilnehmer*innen der Netzwerkveranstaltung auf die besondere Situation, Aufgaben und Anforderung in Bezug auf die Fragestellung und den Erfahrungen einer ländlichen Region hinweisen.
Der Transport von Waren des täglichen Bedarfs - ob regionaler Käse, das heimische Brot, die Zeitung oder das frische Wäschepaket - ist im ländlichen Raum eine Herkulesaufgabe. Viele Akteure, noch mehr Fahrzeuge und jede Menge nicht ausgelastete Ladeflächen, prägen die Wege von A nach B. Kosten sind oftmals unterbelichtet, der gemeinsame Transport eher dem Zufall oder dem „Wer kennt wen?“ überlassen. Dabei stecken in der Sichtbarmachung von freien Ladeflächen und der Bündelung von Transporten, gerade in von Tallagen geprägten Regionen, große Potentiale. Der Aufbau einer Mikrologistik mit Hilfe der Digitalisierung liegt auf der Hand. Doch eine systemische Implementierung kann nur gelingen, wenn potentielle Nutzer mit hohen Fahr- und Versandaufkommen das Rückgrat im System bilden und auch für analoge Probleme eine Lösung geschaffen werden kann. Auch sind kommunale Entscheidungsträger und Verbände gefragt, die den Weg zu neuen Geschäftsmodellen aktiv begleiten.